YSS Celebrate international day against drug

Sports best antidote, ‘play’ to live a healthy and disciplined life: Director YS&S

YSS holds an Inspirational Rally Against Drug Abuse

Srinagar June 26: The Director Youth Services and Sports J&K, Subash Chander Chibber, joined by Joint Director Kashmir, Mohammad Rashid Kohili, in an impressive display of solidarity against drug abuse on the occasion of the International Day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Director YS&S presided over the awareness event that culminated in the flag-off of a spirited rally comprising more than 500 enthusiastic boys and girls from Directorate of YSS Sports Complex Wazir Bagh Srinagar. An Anti-drugs oath was administered to the participants by an international sports person Sadiya Tariq.
The vibrant procession, adorned with compelling ply-cards emblazoned with poignant messages such as \”Say No to Drugs and Yes to Life\” and \”Value Your Life, Don\’t Spoil It with Drugs,\” etc underscored the collective commitment to combating the scourge of substance abuse. Director YSS, in his impassioned address, underscored the pivotal role of sports and physical activities in fostering a healthy lifestyle and steering youth away from the perils of harmful substances.
Emphasising sports as a potent antidote to the allure of drugs, Director Chibber urged the young participants to actively engage in athletic pursuits as a means of safeguarding their well-being and nurturing a drug-free future. Calling sports as the best antidote he stressed upon the dedicated field staff of the Youth Services and Sports Department to facilitate and encourage the active involvement of every student and youth in sporting and recreational activities tailored to their preferences and interests.
The resounding success of the rally served as a poignant reminder of the collective resolve to combat drug abuse and promote a culture of health, wellness, and resilience among the youth of Jammu & Kashmir.

The Youth Services and Sports Department of Jammu & Kashmir is committed to nurturing the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the J&K’s youth through the promotion of sports, games, and recreational activities. Through its tireless efforts, the department aims to instill values of discipline, teamwork, and resilience while safeguarding youth against the perils of drug abuse.
District Youth Services and Sports Officer Srinagar Gh Hassan Lone, SO Establishment Shivanandan Singh Mankotia, SO Planing Riyaz Ahmed and other senior officers and officials of the Department were also present in the event.

Issued by
Media & Publicity Coordinator
Department of YSS J&K

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