Tuesday headlines: Candle me thisthemorningnews.org

Over the weekend, ​​Iran appeared to float a way to stop the Gaza genocide and a regional war. / Forever Wars

From February: Gaza and the dilemmas of genocide scholars. / Al Jazeera

The Moscow terror attack causes a backlash against labor migrants in Russia. / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

See also: Republican lawmakers warn that their colleagues are repeating Moscow’s propaganda “on the House floor.” / Semafor

Veterinarians warn that private equity’s entry into their industry may increase prices and slash services. / Iowa Capital Dispatch

A study finds about half of cancer drugs that win accelerated approvals don’t improve patient survival or quality of life. / STAT

One in five new colorectal cancer patients in the United States is under 55, nearly twice the rate in 1995. / Vox

Why are new shows often deliberately blurry? Welcome to streaming’s “era of the anamorphic lens.” / The Ringer

Related: “Critics can’t decide if Andrew Scott’s Ripley is mesmerizing or charmless.” / The Conversation

Pencils are the new status symbol in elementary schools. Also, examples from a year of making one unique “woven drawing” each day. / The Wall Street Journal [+], Jessie Mordine Young

Virginia Woolf describes a solar eclipse in 1927: “There was no colour. The earth was dead.” / The Rest Is Noise

Unrelated: How a 19th-century poet linked a row of candles together so he could write all night long. / Futility Closet

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