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Sutton Hoo helmet may not be from Sweden after all, new discovery suggests

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A discovery by a metal detectorist in Denmark has raised questions about the origins of the iconic Sutton Hoo helmet, thought for decades to have links to Sweden.
The detectorist found a small metal stamp on an island in southern Denmark, with similar markings to those on the famous helmet.
Peter Pentz, a curator at the National Museum of Denmark, says the discovery raises the possibility the Sutton Hoo helmet may in fact have originated in the country.
The archaeologist told the BBC that if the helmet is indeed proved to have come from Denmark, it could change our understanding of the balance of power in 7th Century northern Europe.
Sutton Hoo is thought to be the burial site of King Raedwald, an East Anglian ruler who died in 624AD.

Courtesy: BBC

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