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6thQRT meeting of ICAR IISS and its components conducted at SKUAST

Srinagar: 6thQRT meeting of ICAR IISS and its components conducted at SKUAST Srinagar during 27-29 June 2024 The second meeting of the 6th QRT was organized during 27-29 June 2024 at SKUAST Srinagar to review the progress of different centres of All India Coordinated Projects (AICRP-LTFE, AICRP-MSPE,  AICRP-STCR), All India Network Projects (AINP-SBB) and Consortia Research Platform on Conservation Agriculture located at north zone of India. The inaugural session of the meeting on 27 June 2024 was graced by Dr. Nazir Ahmed Ganai, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of SKUAST Kashmir, Dr P.K. Sharma, Chairman QRT &Former VC, SKUAST Jammu along with its members viz. Dr. A.N. Ganeshamurthy, Former HoD, IIHR, Bengaluru, Dr. R. Santhi, Former HoD & Director, NRM, TNAU, Dr. A.S. Panwar, Former Director, IIFSR, Modipuram, Dr. V.K. Kharche, Director of Research, PDKV Akola, Dr. R.N. Padaria, Jt Director (Extn), IARI, New Delhi and Dr. R. Elanchezhian, Pri. Scientist & Member Secretary QRT, ICAR IISS Bhopal. Dr. Haroon Rashid Naik, Director Research SKUAST Kashmir gave welcome address and Dr. S.P. Datta, Director, ICAR IISS Bhopal presented an overview of the Research and developmental activities of the ICAR IISS Bhopal. The Member Secretary QRT, briefed about the purpose of QRT and modalities of presentations and activities for the next three days. Dr. Ganai, VC of SKUAST emphasized to have fruitful interaction for review and course correction measures. He envisioned generating a policy paper to manage soil health of nation and J&K in particular. Dr P.K. Sharma, Chairman QRT emphasized on strategizing for various problems in soil health management. He has augmented all to do justification for research programs to continue with the credibility. All the HoDs of the institute participated in the deliberations. The inaugural session was ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Uzma Bashir, Centre Incharge of AICRP on STCR. After the inaugural session, technical session was conducted in which the presentations were made on achievements of different centres of north zone of India. Dr. AN Ganeshamurthy emphasized on availability of FYM/ organic manures; Dr AS Panwar emphasized on baseline information for various research activities; Dr. R. Santhi emphasized on STCR based soil testing for enhancing soil health; Dr. VK Kharche emphasized on probing nutrient response in; Dr RN Padaria emphasized on transferring logic of science to all the relevant stakeholders. After each presentation, the Chairman and members of the QRT gave their observations. At the end, the Member Secretary proposed vote of thanks to the QRT committee and all the participants. The team of scientist will be visiting different laboratories and field experimentations to review the work done.
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6thQRT meeting of ICAR IISS and its components conducted at SKUAST Srinagar during 27-29 June 2024
The second meeting of the 6th QRT was organized during 27-29 June 2024 at SKUAST Srinagar to review the progress of different centres of All India Coordinated Projects (AICRP-LTFE, AICRP-MSPE,  AICRP-STCR), All India Network Projects (AINP-SBB) and Consortia Research Platform on Conservation Agriculture located at north zone of India. The inaugural session of the meeting on 27 June 2024 was graced by Dr. Nazir Ahmed Ganai, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of SKUAST Kashmir, Dr P.K. Sharma, Chairman QRT &Former VC, SKUAST Jammu along with its members viz. Dr. A.N. Ganeshamurthy, Former HoD, IIHR, Bengaluru, Dr. R. Santhi, Former HoD & Director, NRM, TNAU, Dr. A.S. Panwar, Former Director, IIFSR, Modipuram, Dr. V.K. Kharche, Director of Research, PDKV Akola, Dr. R.N. Padaria, Jt Director (Extn), IARI, New Delhi and Dr. R. Elanchezhian, Pri. Scientist & Member Secretary QRT, ICAR IISS Bhopal. Dr. Haroon Rashid Naik, Director Research SKUAST Kashmir gave welcome address and Dr. S.P. Datta, Director, ICAR IISS Bhopal presented an overview of the Research and developmental activities of the ICAR IISS Bhopal. The Member Secretary QRT, briefed about the purpose of QRT and modalities of presentations and activities for the next three days. Dr. Ganai, VC of SKUAST emphasized to have fruitful interaction for review and course correction measures. He envisioned generating a policy paper to manage soil health of nation and J&K in particular. Dr P.K. Sharma, Chairman QRT emphasized on strategizing for various problems in soil health management. He has augmented all to do justification for research programs to continue with the credibility. All the HoDs of the institute participated in the deliberations. The inaugural session was ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Uzma Bashir, Centre Incharge of AICRP on STCR. After the inaugural session, technical session was conducted in which the presentations were made on achievements of different centres of north zone of India. Dr. AN Ganeshamurthy emphasized on availability of FYM/ organic manures; Dr AS Panwar emphasized on baseline information for various research activities; Dr. R. Santhi emphasized on STCR based soil testing for enhancing soil health; Dr. VK Kharche emphasized on probing nutrient response in; Dr RN Padaria emphasized on transferring logic of science to all the relevant stakeholders. After each presentation, the Chairman and members of the QRT gave their observations. At the end, the Member Secretary proposed vote of thanks to the QRT committee and all the participants. The team of scientist will be visiting different laboratories and field experimentations to review the work done.

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